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As the Creative Director of a podcast production company, I have some unwritten responsibilities. One of which is to promote the team and talent within our agency. Mind you, this is an easy task in that I spend at least part of each work day grateful to witness professional podcast producers, script writers, engineers, sound designers, show notes writers, and account managers do their jobs.

Still, there is a gnawing “humble brag” lurking around corners when I display our wares. However, I’m reminded of the ‘responsibilities’ part of my job mentioned earlier, and the talented people who work in partnership with brands to make podcasts deserve sincere props.

About that award…

Podfly is an award-winning podcast production agency. It says so on our home page. One such show, now proudly entering the third season, is The OUTThinking Investor. A creative collaboration between Podfly and PGIM that covers the nuanced and complex world of institutional investing. This show has won Gold at FCS for B2B Branded Content Audio, was an Honoree for the Webby Awards in Business Podcasts, and was a finalist in the Podcast Category for a Shorty.

With the motivation behind us, we have decided to submit our work for some further recognition, and it’s going quite well…

The Signal Awards

The Signal Awards seeks to honor and celebrate the people and content that raise the bar for podcasting. Luminaries and leaders within the industry will judge Shows, Limited Series & Specials, Individual Episodes and Branded Shows & Advertising across categories ranging from to Best TV & Film Recap.

This year, Podfly has proudly made finalist and is in the running for:

Tomorrow is the Problem selected in Branded Shows & Advertising - Best Sound Design: [Official Listing]

Down and Back: Stories From the American Kennel Club Archives selected in Branded Shows & Advertising - Best Writing: [Official Listing]

Down and Back: Stories From the American Kennel Club Archives selected in Branded Shows & Advertising - Lifestyle: [Official Listing]

If you happen to know of, and like these shows, we’d greatly appreciate a vote of confidence for our creative and technical teams here. You can vote for the People’s Choice category overall here.

The effort would be noticed, and appreciated!

What’s Next for Podfly?

We’ve had an amazing 9th (hard to believe!) year of podcast production. Having collaborated with brands and organizations to produce and launch literally hundreds of successful podcasts, our technical process has only become more refined and effective. Our creative development approach digs deeper into brand story, and mines nuggets of audio gold that that clients themselves are proud to display at the high-point in their marketing and messaging strategy.

Though awards are nice, and recognition for hard work is always deserved, it’s very much the privilege to wake up each day and face the creative and technical challenges of telling brand stories in fresh, bold, and engaging ways. Corny as it may sound, making these shows is its own reward.

If your brand or company is ready to launch a podcast, we’d love to hear about it!
